
الخميس، 23 ديسمبر 2010

How to Live to 100

Want to join the estimated 1 million people in the U.S. who are expected to have lived to 100 or older by the year 2050? Happily, recent scientific advances have made it more possible than ever to take control of the aging process. By following large population groups over many years, researchers have documented specific lifestyle changes that can extend life expectancy from one to eight years; add them together and you could gain 20 years or more. They range from the mundane -- flossing every day -- to the ambitious -- lowering your body mass index below 22.
And let's face it: When we know what works, we're much more likely to do it. Wouldn't you be less likely to skip your morning run knowing that vigorous exercise three times a week adds five years to your life? Well then, here you go. By following these seven simple suggestions, you'll be set to join the ranks of future centenarians.
1. Stop sitting around.
What the research shows: In the past year, several studies on the effects of sitting startled the medical field by demonstrating that sitting for long hours is bad for you even if you're not overweight and you exercise vigorously at other times. Yep, that's right: When researchers study only healthy people who exercise regularly, they still find that those who sit a lot each day have higher blood pressure, greater risk of diabetes, and larger waist circumference than those who sit less.
Even scarier: One study followed 17,000 Canadians and found that those who sat the most were more than 50 percent more likely to die during the follow-up period, regardless of age, physical activity level, and whether or not they smoked. Another study found that adults who watched more than three hours of TV a day had significantly poorer cardiovascular health, again even when other health conditions, weight, and physical activity level were taken out of the mix.
Researchers are still studying the issue, but experts are warning of a "physiology of inactivity" that seems to set in, causing your body to release dangerous molecules that affect how you process fats and sugars.
How to make this work for you: Change your habits. Watch TV or use the computer while bouncing on an exercise ball or walking on a treadmill. Work standing up with your computer on a high desk or counter. Before your favorite show comes on, get out a yoga mat and some hand weights and resistance bands and do some gentle stretches and strength training while you watch. If you are sitting for a long while, pause and take breaks to stretch or walk the dog. Even rocking in a rocking chair keeps you moving a bit.
During the day, stand and walk as much as possible, even if all you do is park your car further away in the parking lot or stop asking family members to fetch things for you. When waiting in line or in a waiting room, don't be shy about getting up and moving around.
You can also get a pedometer and count steps. One study found that when men who normally walk a lot were asked to drastically cut back their physical activity for two weeks, their sugar and fat metabolism became impaired in just that short period of time.
Juice for health 2. Drink pomegranate juice.
What the research shows: Positive studies on pomegranate juice just keep coming. In the past six years, researchers have found that eating pomegranates or drinking the juice may prevent hardening of the arteries, reduce blood fats in diabetics, prevent gum disease, and slow the growth of several types of cancer, including lung cancer. Most of this has come from preliminary studies involving mice, or small studies involving humans -- but the sheer number of studies with similar results, coming out of different countries, is impressive.
How to make this work for you: Drink one glass of pomegranate juice a day, or eat the fruit itself, which has the benefit of including the natural fiber in the seeds. Some people don't like the taste of pomegranate, which can be sour. If that's you, add honey or mix into a smoothie, or add the seeds to a fruit salad with yogurt.
You can also take a supplement, which certainly makes things easier. But most research studies have been done with the fruit itself, so the benefit of supplements isn't as well established.
Rainbow diet 3. Go green and orange for dinner, red and blue for dessert.
What the research shows: Ongoing studies at Tufts University's Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging and other institutes show that certain fruits and vegetables are nutritional powerhouses, packed with disease-fighting phytochemicals, with the potential to ward off cancer, protect against heart disease and diabetes, and even slow aging itself -- at least to some degree.
Blueberries, for example, have been shown to reverse balance, coordination, and memory problems. Cranberries deactivate bacteria and prevent infection. Broccoli made headlines last year when it was shown to ward off prostate cancer in men who were at risk.
How to make this work for you: Anti-aging "superfoods" give themselves away by virtue of their color: The dark green of broccoli and kale; the rich orange of squash, sweet potatoes, and mangos; the deep purple of grapes; and the rich reds, blues, and purples of berries all indicate these foods are essentially medicine in food form. Nutritionists say the best thing to do is "eat a rainbow," choosing brightly colored foods and steering clear of those that are light-colored or colorless. Here's a quick color-coded guide:

  • Red = lycopene
  • Orange/yellow = carotenoids
  • Green = lutein and chlorophyll
  • Blue/purple = anthocyanins
The exception: White vegetables like garlic and onions contain important phytochemicals too. In addition, cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, which are eaten in "bud" form before they leaf out, have chemicals called indoles that protect against cancer; and leafy greens like spinach are rich in folate, which protects the heart and prevents birth defects and colon cancer.
Dancing does it 4. Put on your dancing shoes.
What the research shows: Learning a new skill, particularly one that's fairly complex and involves coordination between the brain and the body, is one of the best ways to protect memory and preserve cognition, experts say. But the recommendations can get much more specific than that. In one recent study, researchers at McGill University in Canada found that people who joined a class to learn the sophisticated steps of Argentine tango performed significantly better on cognitive tests and showed improved balance, posture, and motor coordination than a comparative group who walked instead of danced.
How to make this work for you: Commit one night a week to learning something new that challenges you both mentally and physically. Sign up for tai chi, join a Zumba class, or learn to hula hoop. The commitment required to reap this benefit isn't as daunting as you might think. In the tango study, for example, participants danced for just two hours once a week.
One more thing: Getting moving has benefits in and of itself. In a groundbreaking study earlier this year, researchers found that when people with mild dementia participated in aerobic exercise for 45 to 60 minutes four days a week, they showed significant gains in thinking speed and memory, compared with a control group that didn't exercise and continued to experience mental decline.
Calories count 5. Cut calories.
What the research shows: The science behind calorie restriction, as it's known, is eye-opening. Studies in animals and people show that reducing calorie intake between 15 and 30 percent of normal levels leads to a host of anti-aging benefits. Experts believe calorie restriction lowers metabolic rate and causes the body to generate fewer damaging free radicals. It also has a beneficial effect on the thyroid, which regulates your overall metabolic rate.
The result: startling drops in cardiovascular risk factors, lower cancer rates, and -- plain and simple -- longer life. The benefits are more than physical; one recent German study found that calorie restriction boosted memory and cognition. Researchers theorized this was because it reduced insulin resistance and inflammation, both of which are linked to age-related cognitive decline.
How to make this work for you: Calorie restriction isn't as daunting as it sounds. The secret is to cut simple carbs, fats, and sugar. Serve red meat sparingly, and replace it with turkey, fish, and eggs. Eat more beans and legumes. For dessert, try strawberries or fruit parfait. For snacks, eat nuts or whole wheat crackers. Portion size is key, too, since calorie cutting is more important than eliminating certain foods.
Good fat 6. Boost brainpower with brain-healthy fats.
What the research shows: Research into the importance of omega-3 fatty acids continues to pour in, and researchers have begun to better understand the vital role these fats play in brain health. According to neurologists, two thirds of your brain is composed of fats. Myelin, the protective sheath that covers neurons, is 70 percent fat -- and the membranes of neural cells are composed of fatty acid molecules as well.
The bottom line: Your brain cells depend on fatty acids to maintain their ability to communicate. Studies have shown omega-3 fatty acids boost memory, reduce depression and other mood disorders, protect cardiovascular health, and reduce cancer rates. As far as brain health, the benefits kick in quickly: In one recent study, participants 55 and up with memory problems took omega-3 fatty acids for six months and scored many fewer errors on learning and memory tests than those taking a placebo.
How to make this work for you: The body can't make its own omega-3 fatty acids; you have to get them from food, so boost your diet with as many fatty acids as you can. Stock up on ground flaxseed (whole seeds are not easily digested and pass right through), which is becoming increasingly available in grocery stores, and add it to everything you can think of. Sprinkle it on oatmeal or cereal; add it to a bowl of yogurt and fruit or a smoothie; stir it into soup or sprinkle on a salad.
Adorn your table with a decorative decanter for olive oil (it keeps its potency best in an opaque bottle) and drizzle it over veggies and salads or dip your bread into it.
Keep a jar of fish oil capsules on your kitchen counter and take one as you begin each meal. (This way you're less likely to have the "fish burps" that annoy some folks.) Because fish oil has been purified for mercury and other heavy metals, you don't have to limit your intake the way you do with seafood.
But eat seafood too; some studies have shown that populations that eat a diet high in fish are much healthier and longer-lived than populations that don't. Algae is high in DHA, one of the key omega-3 fatty acids, and some people incorporate algae-based supplements, such as spirulina, as well.
Stand up straight 7. Protect your posture.
What the research shows: Sitting and stress are the enemies of the spine, aging experts say. Why? Both tend to make us hunch forward, head jutting forward between rounded shoulders. But poor posture does much more harm than make you look old, researchers say. Rounded posture compresses the nerves and disks in the spine, restricting blood flow to the supporting muscles and leading to neck, shoulder, back, and hip pain.
In addition, recent research has focused on the connection between poor posture and breathing disorders and circulatory health. Some doctors have patients do this experiment: While hunched forward, try to draw a deep breath into your lungs. You'll find it's very hard to do.
Over time, poor posture is also a major contributor to balance problems and falls.
How to make this work for you: The key is to relearn how to stand, sit, and lie so your spine is stretched straight and tall, says Esther Gokhale, author of 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back (Pendo Press, 2008), who teaches posture therapy classes in Palo Alto, California. To put Gokhale's principles into practice, roll your shoulders back and down, opening up the chest, and "stack" the spine directly over the hips, stretching it as tall as possible. Tuck your ribs back against your spine, letting your pelvis come naturally forward.
Unfortunately, following the commandment to "stand up straight" is more difficult than it sounds for those who need to undo years of damage. In this case, postural therapy, a type of physical therapy, can help you strengthen and rebalance specific muscles necessary to hold the spine in the correct posture. Some physiotherapy experts also advocate "inversion therapy," in which you use a device to hang upside down to reverse the effects of gravity. Practicing yoga can help you achieve the same goal through inverted postures such as headstands, shoulder stands, and others.
An additional benefit: Some participants in postural therapy say they've regained as much as an inch in height lost to aging

الأربعاء، 22 ديسمبر 2010

How to get back in shape

Before starting to work out make sure you get a full physical from your doctor and a letter stating it is ok for you to do physical activity. Many gym and aerobic centers will require this before letting you start.

Depending on how long it has been since you last did regular exercise it is recommended that you start off slow and gradually build up your workout to harder levels.

It is generally recommended to start off at the gym with just the treadmill and the lifecycle for the first week or 2. This is to wake the muscles up and to slowly get you prepared for a harder workout.

You will generally want to find a speed on the treadmill that is a pace you can keep up with little discomfort and do it for 20 minutes. After this take a 5 minute break, stretch a little and have a drink of water, then go back and increase the speed just a bit then do another 20.

Remember that pushing yourself too far is taking a gamble that you may not be able to live with. In a casino you can put everything you have on the roulette table and maybe you win and maybe you lose, but in the gym if you push too hard you can die, so take things slowly.

Many people make the mistake of getting back into an exercise program and going all gung ho an trying to get back in shape in just one hour, well let me tell you this will not work. The only thing this will do is make you very sore the next day and you will not be able to workout that day, and it will make you lose interest fast in the gym. Discomfort in ok pain is not.

Depending on how long it has been since you last worked out, I recommend working out 4 or 5 days a week. This may seem like a lot but if you were trying to win a poker tournament you would go to a casino or an online casino and poker room to practice almost every day right? So you will have to do the same with the gym.

Working out 5 days a week does not necessarily mean you have to go to the gym every day. I recommend the gym 3 times a week and the other day or 2 you can just go for a long fast paced walk around your neighborhood. Try to vary the things you do so that you do not work out the same parts of your body 2 days in a row.

Most professionals will tell you that if you work out your arms and chest on a Monday do not exercise those muscles again for at least 48 hours. This is to give the muscles time to heal and grow. It is this straining and resting of the muscle that makes it grow not just the working it out. If all you did every day was work the same muscle group in a few days the muscle would be more likely to tear in a painful experience and the only thing you will be able to do for several months will be playing in an online casino from your laptop in bed


الثلاثاء، 21 ديسمبر 2010

الاثنين، 20 ديسمبر 2010

Fitness Tips for Kids

There is a common misconception that the regime of diet and exercise to stay fit, should be performed only in adolescents and adults. Instead, children and children should also be made to follow these methods in order to stay in shape. Childhood obesity is one of the most alarming of today and the rate is found to be increasing day by day. Because children are exposed to fast food and happen to be glued to the television and computer, they find themselves in a life very unhealthy. Therefore, as a parent or guardian, it is essential to seek ways to maintain health and fitness of children. Boards fitness for subsequent children will be useful for you the same thing.
Health and Fitness tips for kids
If you want your children to stay healthy, you need to instill healthy eating habits and exercise in them. It is practically impossible to purchase a gym membership for your child and expect him to work every day. Similarly, it is not possible to keep children away from tempting foods. So how do kids make healthy choices? Take a look at the fitness quick tips for kids and you know how.

* Involve children in planning daily and weekly / purchases for meals whenever possible. In this case, you should not force your choices on them, but take your child's suggestions into consideration. You can certainly modify them to make healthy meals.
* Try to encourage children to make healthy food choices. extra cheese can be finally rid of almost all food products. You can choose veggie burgers and pizza instead of those in poor health. White bread can be replaced by the version of whole wheat in the diet for healthy children.
* If the child insists on a double cheese burger for lunch, you can ask to have vegetables / whole grain bread or fish for lunch the other day to balance the calories. A balanced diet for children should contain all the nutrients and minerals.
* All children love to snack and you can not prevent it. As one fitness advice effective for children, you can easily include healthy snacks such as sandwiches, fruit and cut vegetables, Animal Crackers, dried fruit, milk shakes, fruit juices, popcorn, pudding home, etc.

* Children should be encouraged to engage in physical activities conducted at school. Otherwise, you can also subscribe to private sports clubs and encourage your child to participate.
* One of the best fitness tips for kids is to conduct fitness activities fun like trekking, hiking, jogging, etc. Other family members and friends can also support making it an activity pleasant.
* Another board of health and fitness, is that parents must take children along the walking, jogging or cycling everyday. In this way, the more you can link with the child and also take care of his fitness.
* You must set a time limit for the number of hours your child watches television or computer games. You should organize fitness activities for other children like building a trampoline, table tennis, arrange for swimming, etc. so that children are not bored, but still in good condition.
These are some of Councils Fitness simplest and most effective for children. Parents are expected to follow a healthy lifestyle themselves so that children can not find it difficult to follow and accept it. Finally, as one of the most important advice, you should remember that children tend to get bored very quickly and, therefore, you should try to provide variety in the diet and the timing of exercise for children. Beware!

What is Objective Tinnitus? - Some Answers

Tinnitus is generally classified as either objective tinnitus and subjective tinnitus. It is more common. He is described as the tinnitus that can be heard by others, which means that only the victim can hear the noise and sounds created by tinnitus. Unlike the subjective type, objective tinnitus is rare and is described as the type of tinnitus that other people can hear through the use of a special device like a stethoscope that the doctor uses to diagnose the disease. As it is often associated with serious medical problems, such tinnitus is quite disturbing. Accounts prevalence of only 3 percent of all tinnitus patients.
People with tinnitus describe their target audience condition rhythmic humming low, dull, or clicking noise synchronized with their breathing or heartbeat. Thus, it is also called pulsatile tinnitus. Therefore, a person may acquire not only help when the sounds of tinnitus are eradicated, but also when the state of health that accompanies it is processed.
Objective tinnitus can be caused by two things. First, the sudden change in blood flow in arteries or veins around the ears can cause the production of Noises deaf ear tinnitus. Second, the increased sensitivity or increased noise caused by the circulation of blood in the ears can make a person hear sounds of tinnitus. There are a few cases where this condition is accompanied by aneurysm or other life-threatening diseases or life-threatening, it is imperative for the patient to receive a correct diagnosis because there are underlying causes that must be eliminated.
The clinical diagnosis of this condition is performed using the patient's medical history to determine if the patient has suffered from cardiovascular disease. Other tests and examinations such as magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), CT scan, magnetic resonance scanning (MRI), ultrasound, and angiography may also be done because the doctor needs to see pictures blood flow and blood vessels in the ears to properly diagnose the disease at the origin of tinnitus. Blood tests also help doctors in diagnosing anemia.
objective tinnitus can be treated at the first condition has been identified. This first condition should be treated immediately after it was determined. Such as hypertension can be treated with a change in lifestyle, change of diet and intake of medicine and drugs that can lower blood pressure.
pulsatile tinnitus patients should stay away from the following:

1. Diet high in sodium
2. high-fat Diet
3. Alcohol
4. beverages high in caffeine
5. Stress
6. Smoking
Atherosclerosis is a major cause of tinnitus and unfortunately caused by a diet rich in cholesterol and fat. Therefore, it is important for patients with tinnitus to get rid of them. Hypertension, one of the most common causes of tinnitus, is caused by increased consumption of salt, because it can change the retention of fluid in the body. Caffeine can cause increased heart rate and blood pressure. The balance of fluids in the body and in the ears can be caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. Stress can trigger the symptoms of tinnitus to strike. Fatigue and anxiety management is important to keep the symptoms of tinnitus at bay. You must not forget that the cognitive-behavioral therapy, alternative remedies, and relaxation can also help a person to acquire relief against objective tinnitus.

Smoothie Diet

Since you are looking for an appropriate diet to lose weight, I guess I do not need to submit to obesity and its consequences on your mental health, physical health and social image. There are many weight loss programs, diet pills, injections, surgeries, bands of magic and many other methods that we prefer to shell money on in order to lose weight. However, when it comes to having controlled food and engaging in exercise weight loss, one thing you can not ignore is uncontrollable hunger! Being hungry all the time actually kills your desire to lose weight and leads to overeating and weight gain! To prevent weight loss and diet shakes smoothie health is now approved as the best way to lose weight. They restrict your caloric intake and increase protein and fiber intake to the large amount of weight loss.

Smoothie Diet to lose weight
Among all plans weight loss diet, diet smoothie is approved as the safer, healthier and more weight loss shakes that works. Smoothie diet is beneficial for people who have the tendency to skip breakfast. Since smoothies are made from fresh fruit, they are rich in natural vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other essential nutrients. Smoothies are made with milk or yogurt, and thus they help you avoid hunger for a longer period of time. More importantly, good taste and smoothies so this diet plan is interesting for many dieters. Smoothies diet is actually marketed as meal replacements for weight loss, which means that, like smoothies breakfast, you also need to replace the breakfast and dinner with healthy smoothie recipes. You can prepare healthy recipes fruit smoothie or you can prepare vegetables smoothies.

Opinion Smoothie Diet: How it works
Most of us have the habit of skipping meals, especially breakfast. Skipping breakfast interferes with the pace of carbohydrate metabolism and leads to excess and caloric intake. Smoothie recipes made up of your favorite fruits with yogurt or milk and a source of protein (egg or protein powder). Having safe drinking as early in the day keeps you full and energetic for the rest of the day. It increases your calorie burning power and prevents unwanted cravings. Outside the house shakes, you can also use weight loss smoothies healthy diet as Green Smoothie Diet Doctor's CarbRite Diet Smoothie, Smoothie Size right, VF Smoothie, products, etc. that are available on the market. Diet Smoothie ingredients ready to drink smoothies following: skim milk, milk solids, sucralose, fructose, various natural and artificial flavors, extracts of herbs, salt, etc. All these ingredients make these smoothies a good source energy, folate, potassium, calcium, vitamins and minerals. It is important to remember that the smoothie ingredients vary depending on the brand and flavor you choose.

Smoothie Diet Plan
You can mix recipes smoothies diet according to your taste and convenience. However, a smoothie diet sample menu may look like this:

    * Breakfast: Mix 1 fruit (fresh or frozen) + 8 oz plain yogurt + 1 ½ cup water + 1 tablespoon of protein powder a handful of berries + + a few ice cubes
    * Morning Snack: 1 piece of fresh fruit or homemade fruit juice made from 1 cup of fresh fruit juice + 8 oz ginger ale
    * Lunch: Mix 1 fruit (fresh or frozen) + 8 oz plain yogurt + 1 ½ cup water + 1 tablespoon of protein powder a handful of berries + + a few ice cubes
    * Morning Snack: 1 piece of fresh fruit or homemade fruit juice made from 1 cup of fresh fruit juice + 8 oz ginger ale
    * Dinner: 600 to 800 calorie diet that contains lean protein and healthy fats

Diet Smoothie Recipes
You can either opt for the ready to eat in the market for smoothies, or you can rapidly make a few healthy recipes fruit smoothie at home. There are some advantages of preparing smoothies at home. The greatest benefit of all is that you can have first-hand, thereby eliminating any possibility of contamination. With home smoothies, you know and control the ingredients, so you can make smoothie recipe health for yourself. Second, rather than sticking to the flavor of the vegetable or diet fruit smoothie that you purchased, you can have different flavors every day, making it less boring diet for you. While on the diet smoothie, you need to consume various fruit juices, which could get boring. The best thing you can do is mix the fruit and vegetable smoothies to introduce into your diet. You can use spinach, pumpkin, cucumber, tomato, broccoli, dandelion, red pepper, green onion, pepper, watercress, beet, carrot, lime, lemon, kale, parsley, celery and many other vegetables . You can try yogurt smoothie recipes using fresh yogurt and clear, or you can prepare some healthy recipes protein smoothie by combining nuts, protein powder and milk. One thing you must remember is that you must be careful while making healthy choices, because it is a "weight loss diet."

As I said earlier, smoothie calories range from 200 to 500 calories which make a smoothie diet plan from 1200 to 1600 calories. This range of diet depends on the types of fruits and protein sources you select. As a mark of separation, all I can say is that if you want to enjoy the benefits of weight loss scheme, why not try it yourself! All the best! ...

Helpful Running Tips For Beginners

Before running, make sure you body is in good condition.
Consult a doctor and a complete check-up if you want to know what aspects you must be careful. It would be advisable to inform your doctor about your exercise program so he can advise you.
Warm up your body while walking or running lightly, do some stretching too. You hire more injuries if you stress your body too much at once.
Buy the right equipment: shoes, sportswear, jogging pants, a pulse monitor, timer, towel, gym bag etc. It is also a good motivation for you to run, but be sure to break before joining a race to avoid discomfort or incidents.
Set a goal for yourself, how do you lose in a few months? Would you break the record you did last weekend? Make sure they are reasonable to make it easy to achieve. You can always increase your goals gradually.
Drink plenty of water. You can also have drinks like Gatorade for more distance.
Be nice to people you meet on the road. It is likely that you would come across them again. Or better yet join a community or invite them to run with you.
Having an exercise partner. It would be more enjoyable and interesting.
Monitor the condition of your body, if something seems to be sad not to ignore. Slow down and check.
Make sure you agree with your goals, do not bother running more than 10% of your file from the previous day.
Slow down or walk a few meters before stopping completely to let your body relax and regain its normal rhythm.
A balanced diet is essential if you want to lose your weight, otherwise your efforts would be fruitless.
Have other forms of exercise when you do not run. Like aerobics, take the stairs instead of elevators, cycling, anything that moves in the rest of your body but give your feet a break.
With these few simple tips for beginners running, you would be able to function effectively.