الثلاثاء، 7 ديسمبر 2010

Top 5 Red Flags Of Diet Scams

Have you lost valuable time and money to lose weight? Then tried again and again? One thing Americans can do, is the market. The desire to loss weight fast and easy to set up an ideal opportunity for modern-day snake oil salesmen to pick your pockets by selling diet products magic.
One minute you're innocently reading the newspaper and the next minute you are ordering a dollar sixty, one month supply of pills. After all, these photos before and after a good look and tell them that it works.
Or you are now the proud owner of the infomercial last gadget that promises to wrap, buzz, swinging, steam, lift, or you glide slenderness. Too often, you find that it is only useful for drying clothes.
In our desperate quest to be thin, we buy the strangest things. The next time you are hypnotized by a trade regime, remember these red flags:
1) The product in question to put anything non-food in your body. Pills, potions, chemicals, herbs. None has been proven to cause substantial, permanent weight loss.
2) promised results require the purchase of any special gadget at all. The only thing you really need physical fitness is a good pair of walking shoes.
3) The program is based on unproven methods, such as food combining, "forbidden" foods, or magical effects of certain types of food.
4) The advertisement promotes the use of a product, but the fine print says that the plan requires drastic caloric restriction and exercise to get results - so why buy the product?

5) Outlandish claims are miraculous or rapid weight loss, changes in body shape, weight or specific body parts.
The fact is that 95% of diets fail, and the constant search of a quick fix is a sure path to disappointment. The human body is naturally healthy and strong. He did not need potions and gadgets and certainly does not need to starvation.
Listen to your body. Give him the food he wants when he is hungry and stop when full. Move so as to be good. Play more. All these elements are completely free and will create vibrant, natural, health long term that broadens and enriches life.

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